Best Practices for doing Live Video Interview’s

The keys to live video interview success are your preparation, attire, location, and equipment.

The keys to live video interview success are your preparation, attire, location, and equipment.


Live video interviews require a front-facing camera, consistent internet connection, and, for best results, headphones. Your interviewer needs a way to see you, and does this through a front-facing camera. The best way to ensure your internet connection is strong is to hard wire your device to your router through an ethernet cable. If you are unable to do that, the next best option is to position yourself as close as possible to your wifi router

The reason for headphones is a little less obvious. Live video interviews are conversations between two parties. Your interviewer’s voice will come out through your device’s speakers, and, if your microphone is sensitive enough, could echo through the interview. Use hard-wired or Bluetooth headphones, or an echo-canceling speakerphone. These tools will allow you to hear your interviewer without your microphone picking up the sound.

How you are Dressed

Yes, live video interviews allow you to be in a more comfortable environment, but you will be on video with the interviewer. This means you should dress like you would for an in-person interview. This still means you should interview in business professional attire.

Your Physical space

You decide where to complete your live video interview, so you must control your surroundings. Look for space that allows you to sit straight and ensure your webcam is at eye level. Reduce disruptions by choosing a quiet place where people will not distract you. In your location, try to keep your physical space neutral and uncluttered.

Getting Prepared !

What you’re asked during a live video interview should not come as a total surprise in the moment. Prepare for the interview by reviewing common interview questions and practice your responses to those questions. Do your research and learn about the company’s culture and values. This information gives you clues to answering your interviewer’s questions in a manner they are familiar with.

Debrief Yourself

After your interview and after taking a short-break to center yourself, take stock of the interview and perform a self-assessment of how you performed. Were your personable? Were you presented with questions that you were not prepared for? Did you present challenging informed questions to the interviewer?

Performing a personal debrief will get you in the mindset of constant self-improvement and that too shows on interviews!